Williamsburg County offices will be closed on April 19 for a scheduled furlough day for employees.  Emergency personnel and elected officials are exempt from the day off.

County Supervisor Kelvin Washington says the decision to furlough employees was made during the budget process in July 2023. “It was not an easy decision and no one in my office or county council are thrilled about it,” he says.

Initially there was supposed to be four furlough days, but the finance department and Treasurer’s Office found funds to cut back to two days.  

In solidarity with their fellow county employees, six county council members agreed to have their next paychecks reduced by one tenth to reflect the cut in pay for county employees. The county estimates a savings of $62,500 per furlough day.

District 3 Councilman Joe Miller declined to participate in the give-back. “I think it is an insult to workers.  Everyone on council is retired, owns their own business, or work other jobs.  Their income as a councilman does not equate to the income lost from other county jobs. I don’t think anyone should lose a day of work to balance the budget,” he says. Councilman Miller was one of three council members who voted no on passing the budget ordinance, which included the furlough days on July 18, 2023. District 4 Councilman Eddie Woods, Jr. and former District 5 Councilwoman Sulondia Hammond also voted against the budget ordinance.

Clerk of Court Sharon Staggers announced on her Facebook page that her offices will be open on Friday. She says her office operates different than county offices, and they can’t just take a day off because they are bound by Court Administration. The Register of Deeds office will be open on Friday and County courts will still be in session.

The second furlough day will be June 7.  

You can reach Nichole by email at news@kingstreenews.com.

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